Welcome To The Gideon 300

1. Just Showing Up!

Attend an Ottawa County Commissioners Meeting as an Organization. A parking lot gathering to show support for Constitutional-loving people and resolve against anyone 'poisoning' our great county!

Also, sharing the "In Their Own Words" link! Put the people 'poisoning' Ottawa County in 'intellectual check' if not 'checkmate'.

Each and Every Good Man of Ottawa County


2. Knowledge Is Power, But Only When You Use It To Take Action


3. Win The Hearts And Minds Of OC Residents

Every Resident of Ottawa County Deserves The Opportunity Via Text, Social Media or Email To Be Introduced To The People 'Poisoning' Our Great County! (At least one time)

150,000 Adults X 80% = 120,000


4. The End Game


Tactical Civics Has Done All The Homework!


They Need Us Right NOW!